Ditch Your Self Doubt And PURSUE Your Passion
If you could do something every day that lights you up and feeds your soul what would it be?
If you are not doing this already, what keeps you from it? Pay close attention to your answer to this question. It holds a great deal of truth about the doubts and limiting beliefs that sabotage you.
Self Doubt is tricky with the entire world one click away. The opportunity for comparison literally beckons you everywhere you go. You see, whatever interests you, what ever you are dreaming about creating or becoming, there is likely someone out there doing it already. Actually, there may be more like thousands or maybe millions out there doing it already. You may come across them scrolling through your feed or when you’re listening to your new favorite podcast. Then, you ask yourself, “How am I going to be any different?” “How is my message, my art, my baking, my voice, my counsel or by book, going to matter?”
Start with these 7 steps below to get into alignment with your personal power, let go of self doubt and take action toward your dreams:
1. You are here to impact those people who are drawn to YOU
You can say or do the same exact thing as a million other people but it is your vibration and how you show up that will attract people who are drawn to you. Once again, you can literally say or do the same thing as another person, but because it comes from you, it resonates deeply with others that resonate with you.
So, maybe you don’t have to worry about disappointing the rest of the world. Especially, those who were never your people anyway. Trust you have a great purpose here and right now the size of your reach may not matter (yet!) It is about the quality that you offer to people who find themselves drawn to whatever you are creating. Actually, you want to clear away those people that are meant for another path. That way you can save your resources for your peeps and everyone else is free to take what they have learned and move on.
“When you see someone doing something really awesome, remember, they are showing you what can be done NOT what you should have done already. ”
2. Watch Your Lack Mentality
There is always enough. There is room for us all. Stop and notice how much lack thinking you are feeding yourself all day. Anything that resonates with “ I am not enough” or “ I don’t have enough time, money, smarts, energy etc., is lack mentality and scarcity thinking.
Do you notice how you can go from feeling blissfully motivated to a victim of circumstance in seconds flat? You see, this is another power leak. When you indulge in this lack thinking you just deflate.
Create mantras for showing up in abundance vs lack. Instead of buying into these thoughts of not enough time, money, or space try these:
~ “I have all the Time that I need.”
~“I give myself permission to prosper and grow” ~ a personal favorite (sometimes success is scarier than failure)
~”Simply by being me, I am powerful”
~“I don’t need abundance, I am abundance.”
~“Money works FOR me, it is always seeking me to support me.”
~“I am limitless. I create space and take up space with ease”
~“I hear my soul’s calling and I won’t ignore it”
~“I am deeply supported.”
3. Learn From Jealousy
Jealousy is just another way of limiting yourself and believing in lack. But, it is also information. If you notice jealousy sneaking in, hold lots of self compassion. Jealousy is really just a reflection of your own self doubt. Whatever you are seeking and whatever character traits you admire, you likely already possess. Jealousy happens because at some point, you denied this part of yourself and began believing you couldn’t have it or you are not good enough to be it.
Jealousy tells us who we really are and who we have been afraid to be. Great information right? No shame in this game just insight!
When Oprah was asked how she managed to handle all her criticism early on and surpass all those other tv talk shows of the 80’s ( you remember Sally and Donahue Right?) she replied very poignantly as usual. She said, “ Blinders”, every day she put on her blinders and only saw what was in front of her, in her own lane. She focused only on being true to herself in this space. So pull out your blinders and stay in your lane!
4. Self Doubt and anxiety don’t just favor failure
Failure may be on your mind, but behind the curtains, it may just be success that scares the crap out of you and keeps you stuck! Think about it. What would success really ask of you and how do you feel about sustaining these efforts? It’s important to take inventory on what kind of fears you have about succeeding. It may just be what’s keeping you from truly going for it. Many people fear the change and loss of control, over life as they know it. Maybe your inner narrative is that you don’t have what it takes to keep up and sustain whatever you start. Perhaps as a parent you worry that your kids won’t get the same attention they are use to. All these fears are grounded in powerlessness. Take a deep breath and repeat after me. “ I am the master of my life. I trust, all that I am creating will effortlessly fit into my life. Otherwise, it is not meant to be. I shall trust, that which serves my highest good and the good of the universe, is unfolding.”
If your feeling called to make a big change and create something new, I’m not surprised at all that you might be challenged by fear and indecision.
Now, if your passion is supported by an abundant inflow of money, then it’s also time to identify your money blocks. Here a few popular ones!
>> Money Is The Root Of All Evil <<
Some of us grew up believing that people with money are shallow and selfish. Somehow, people with money likely have a totally different moral compass then those without it. This is false. If you believe that wanting to make a lot of money makes you greedy and selfish, you will struggle with self sabotage when it comes to receiving money. Money is energy. It is an exchange of giving and receiving. Both of which are big soul lessons. With more money, you have the opportunity to give more, impact more, and recieve more. The currency itself does not make you evil. It may teach you lessons, but the evil part is totally up to you.
Also, if you believe this, you may struggle with setting a price on the value of what you are offering to others. You may be much more comfortable aiming low, therefore everyone knows, you are still a good person. Meanwhile, this is also self sabotage. Money is energy and it is an exchange. You will be broadcasting to the universe that the value of what you offer is low.
>> You Have To Work Way Too Hard, To Have A Lot Of Money <<
You may believe that if you were to start making a lot of money you would be lost to your family and friends. Your job would consume you. You either struggle with money and be there for your family OR You have an abundance of it but your never around. This either/or scenario supports you in staying right where you are and will always help you self sabotage. So you say things like, “Well, it’s ok if I don’t make a lot of money, at least I’m here for my family.” This routes back to the false belief that money is evil and takes you away from those you love. Actually, money does not make this happen but your choices do. Just the opposite, the more prosperous you are, the more resources you have to give back and share with the people you love. Be intentional about working and living in your passion zone. You can create a life that serves your highest good. Even if it’s uncomfortable at times!
>> Money is a limited resource, saved for the wealthy <<
Do you believe that wealth was never really for you? That you’re not smart enough, or assertive enough, or worth enough, to be prosperous with wealth? Do you believe that you did not come from wealth therefore money will always be a struggle? Was, “money doesn’t grow on trees” a common phrase in your home growing up? Do you feel deep down like money is something you have to chase? Perhaps, your family was very successful and financially comfortable, but you feel like, somehow, your inadequate in some way and don’t have the same money making capabilities.
5. Do the work of learning the difference between your Soul’s calling and your Ego’s fear.
Your destiny, life purpose and your Dharma are always nudging and calling you. It’s why you want things for yourself and dream of them. Everybody’s got their own dharma path. Even if your desires appear to be like so many others‘, simply by being you, they are unique to your soul expression. Remember, if your soul desires it, then it’s possible. It is your ego that is afraid and spinning fear and doubt to protect you. To learn more about getting unstuck and how you may be influenced by your Soul’s voice vs. your Ego’s, check out SOUL VS. EGO: HOW TO DITCH THE MADNESS AND HEAL YOUR ANXIETY
This is great work for all of us! Your soul’s mission is always on track. You just need to jump on board. Practice unplugging from fear and truly trusting that whatever is unfolding is exactly what you need right now.
TIP: Stop asking “how.” Just focus on the “what” and take a step forward. Focusing on the how can feel daunting and trigger analysis paralysis. People who make their dreams come true take action before they even know how they are going to make all of it happen. This you can do!🌟
6. Build Better boundaries
Boundaries, even energetic ones, might be one of the most important tools you can use to hold your power and really make huge incredible shifts in your life. If you feel that putting up boundaries with other people is being cold or mean, than you likely also feel that self care is selfish. Well, correction, you likely feel selfish when YOU set boundaries around taking time for yourself. Or, you start to worry someone is judging you for it.
“It is impossible to be powerful and care about what other people think at the same time.”
By this I am referring to a very important habit to let go of in order to create stronger boundaries.
Nothing sabotages you more than asking your critical friend what they think of your new venture. Focusing on anyone else’s judgement, is an incredibly disempowering act that can lead to doubt and self sabotage. Looking outside ourselves for approval is a sure leak of our power. So, be protective of who you allow into the boundaries of your inner circle while building your dream life.
This includes worrying about other people’s’ judgments toward you, as well as, your own. Other people’s opinions, have little to do with you anyway. They are first, run through their own set of self imposed rules, fears, limiting beliefs and perhaps their own need to be right. Then, they are handed over to you, disguised in your best interest. Choose to listen, with an open heart, and filter with an open mind. You’ll have the wisdom of understanding what their opinion reflects about their own pain. And with compassion you can choose not to take on any one else’s bullshit.
People also tend to get reactive and formulate jugements when someone else does something that they are not allowed to do (self imposed rules.) And, the same goes for your own judgements of others. Watch your judgments to learn about what parts of yourself you have been denying.
7. Start Building Your Dreams “As IF”
Start including this future reality into your life now. Begin acting as if it is happening. It’s a future dream that is closing in on your current reality. Talk about it, read about it and start taking steps toward creating space for it. Create a password that represents this inspiring future and then use it frequently to keep telling the universe that you know what you want. Create spreadsheets (if that’s your thing), count the dollars and get specific on what it will look like. If it includes an abundance of money, write yourself the check. Does it include building a business? Fill up a calendar with what you’ll be doing and plug in fictitious names of the people you’ll be meeting. True story, when starting up my practice I did not have any clients. I pulled out a desk calendar and put some clients in “as if” I would be meeting them the next week. I even put them in my online scheduler. My first fictitious client was Cathy. And you know what? My first client was Katheryn. Soon after I had six Catherines, Kathys and Kathleens in my book. Many of them are still clients now!
As often as you can, visualize this dream life coming into fruition. Focus on how it makes you feel. Feet on the ground inside this beautiful life, what are you feeling? What does it bring to you and your family? Does it allow you to give back in some way? Visualize and emotionally connect to it. Then, bring up a huge dollop of gratitude for the new shift coming your way!
You really are right on time. So allow yourself to be fueled by excitement and passion instead of fear. Dream big, sister, we need you! I can’t wait to see what you create🧚♀️
Are you on the list?
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