Why do we need to release trapped emotions?

At the root of all dis-ease in the body is an unprocessed emotion(s).  Yet, we keep focusing on things outside the body to heal us.  Most healers have first hand knowledge of how big a role blocked emotions play; in most all the issues we face. We know that repeated negative emotions impact gene expression as well as the strength of our immune system. 

These "trapped" emotions  change our energy system and create blockages which impact our emotional, physical, financial and relational wellbeing! 

Practicing The Ask And Receive Method not only helps you to identify and release these emotions that are buried, it also helps you explore the messages and lessons each one of these emotions are trying to teach you. 

Your emotions are part of your internal GPS system and your intutive guidance.  They are not meant to be buried alive! 

So if your experiencing a limit to how happy you can be or limits on how good you can feel, it's time for you to do the work of releasing these emotions that are holding you back. 

So sign up for your free step by step video on the Ask & Receive Method and recieve a PDF cheat sheet for you to use over and over again as you raise your vibration and begin to heal.