Michelle Poverman, LMHC, EMP, RMP

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Is This Belief Keeping YOU Constantly Busy?

So, it has been an interesting few months.  I have been struggling a bit with some health issues. Can I just tell you how much “struggle” can feel like such a dirty word. As counselors, healers, teachers, leaders, helpers and well, humans - we sometimes have a hard time saying “ I am struggling”.  So many of us feel that we are suppose to appear above it all. But I can tell you for sure, struggle is what builds the strength and depth of my soul.  And with each bout of struggle I find myself planting some major seeds of growth. I have also been faced with processing death and loss. In fact, so many of my friends and clients have too.  It was a tough winter for the passing of loved ones in my circles.  For those of us high up on the empathy scale, we have really felt the heaviness in the air. 

But Spring is knocking on the door! In the midst of this transition, do you find yourself spinning?  Is your  brain ticking off a million I have to’s while you physically keep up with life? Man, there are so many lessons everyday to embrace.  One of these lessons is like an old familiar friend for me.  She is behind many of my Ah Ha moments- somewhere at the heart of the matter any way.  So Id like to share this with you in case this lessons speaks to you as well.  

It is about our addiction to busy

busy is an addiction and like every drug it affects your nervous system, keeps you avoidant and from being truly present in life, interferes with your relationships and has long term negative health consequences. 
Most Importantly- Staying busy keeps us from feeling. This is the juicy tidbit.  I can’t tell you how many people have a hard time tolerating just being still and being with themselves.  It’s down right uncomfortable for them.  

If life came to halt and you had an abundance of time what would you be forced to look at or feel?

Second, many of us have a major limiting belief… “I only have worth when I am useful orI only have worth when others think I am useful or successful”.   Take a breath and close your eyes and see if this one rings true for you.  So many of us grapple with this underlying belief.  This one really keeps us anxiously vigilant and busy. Especially when it is fueled by the exhausting work of seeking approval to know if we are okay.  But it is so hard to bring this stuff to the light of day all alone.  
And let me tell you, you are not alone.  This has been the topic of dissection for so many friends and clients as well. If there was a theme song for this winter-  this false belief about worth would be it’s title.  Well, actually we would title it “ My Worth Is Unwavering”.  And of course it would be about how your worth is inherent,  not earned.  
underneath this belief is always another. “I am not enough.” And this statement is usually followed by unless… I loose weight, I am in a relationship, my house is clean, my marriage is perfect, I dangerously hang upside down and spray paint this bridge…Errr.. well that was a high school admission but it does highlight this belief begins early and it might lead to poor choices in our youth!

Actually, its part of the trio- the big three:

  • I Am Not Worthy

  • I Am Not Loveable

  • I Am Not Enough

 Instead of spinning in the energy of proving yourself, make it your mission to pay attention when you feel anxious or showered with the weight of “shoulds” and “have to’s”. Watch how you talk to yourself - out of curiosity not judgment.  Would you talk to a friend this way?
Next time, when you feel overwhelmed and everything seems so important, try any or all of these affirmations.  Better yet, do this daily to make a more lasting shift.

Put your hands over your heart and repeat to yourself: 


💜 This is important.
💜 Me, I am important.
💜 I Am enough. As is. We all are enough.
💜 Everything I need is right here, within.
💜 I  create success from my heart with ease.
💜 I trust with an open heart that all is unfolding toward good
💜 I vow to make my experience easier 
💜 I am the most powerful voice
💜 I choose to use my inner voice for good
💜  I deeply love and accept myself
💜 Love washes through me with ease, my soul is worthy of true healing
💜 The greater the challenge the deeper my love 
💜 I release all old patterns that keep me stuck
 Take a deep breath between each statement and let it settle in.  

Wishing you a day full of overwhelming self love!
  🙏🙌 Michelle 


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