3 Steps To Move From Massively Stuck To Incredibly Motivated

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Warning: This Will Take As Long As It Takes.

Not A Minute Less. Not A Minute More.

This post was written just prior to COVID19’s fast sweeping impact. I believe we will all be assessing some stuck energy and seeking motivation to build again, start from scratch or manage the pressure we feel to be productive at this time.

To Begin:

Find a nice big suitcase you don’t need for a while because you are going to need to pack up the following: Impatience, Resistance, Judgement, Fear, oh and basically all of the shoulds, have to’s and “WTF is wrong with me” statements that run through your head like a train wreck.

I am going to share with you a huge lesson that will change how you experience low energy, lack of motivation and sudden disinterest in building, creating or mastering anything. Entrepreneurs listen up!

For those of you new to these ideas I hope to open you up. To those of you who are already on this path, I’m with you my sisters and brothers! We need to keep hearing these messages to stay aligned! Earthing is Hard!

Im getting right down to it because I know if your feeling this way you may not even feel like reading much further. So ….

#1 Change Your Labels

We know that the things you say to yourself and the thoughts you believe will define how you experience your life. So if you label this time as something bad that’s happening or proof of your inadequacy, guess what? You will find all the proof you need.

Here’s the unfortunate thing that likely follows:

I know what it is like to spin in uncertainty. It can feel pretty darn awful. I thank god for my friends who ground me. Being alone up in your head and labeling this time with something negative will likely fill you with the shame of not being good enough. This begins the struggle. I have really gone into hiding on this one. Seriously, Ive felt completely frozen by judgment and fear around being stuck and unable to fuel the energy into what comes next. This shame loves to fuel anxiety and a constant pressure to push when what you really need is to nurture. When you do that, you are depleting reserves of your life force energy that are literally there to power you through to your life’s purpose. Blowing through all that energy in order to force what is not true for you will surely kick your ass later. In what ways might you prostitute yourself out for approval, money or fear?

Do you see how your motivation might be Fueled by Fear instead of Joy?

And has this made you too tired to conjure up enough Joy to be motivated?

Instead, switch your language and label this time as a sacred recharging. We have to change our response to this struggle! Give yourself wild permission! I believe that you can have two to six months of struggle in an anxious and depressing rut OR two weeks of giving yourself total permission to protect your energy and recharge. Better yet, you may create habits that lead to a lifetime of giving yourself permission to protect your energy!

PlEASE ALLOW THIS TO RESONATE. this low motivation does not mean that you are less than or that you don’t have what it takes to chase your goals.

The slogan “ You have to be willing to do what ever it takes no matter the cost” Is bullshit. You matter and your wellbeing is not disposable. Discipline that is in alignment with your highest good may require you to be uncomfortable but it will never ask you to sacrifice your well being.

Instead, acknowledge It’s a massive gift in disguise. Because if you shift your thinking and label this- incredible opportunity to slow down- as such, you’ll likely have new inspiration, gratitude and more love for yourself. You will make meaningful connections and fill up with juice instead of running on empty. Now you can really crush those dreams and goals. So remember it is an opportunity not a sentence.

#2 Repeat After Me: You Are Not A Machine.

No matter how much this life seems to ask it of you. And just because it asks it of you, does not mean being human is some failure on your part.

Do you ever feel like your pouring your energy into pretending its spring when really you are enduring your own personal winter?

Im here to tell you its okay to embrace winter. Winter has a silence and stillness that is beautiful. While so much lays dormant, winter supports reflection, going inward and creating warmth. Our own personal winter and times of struggle ask us to do the same.

Heres the tough part.

If you have created a life where it is “impossible” for you to take care of yourself then you have created a life around the belief that you do not matter.

This painful belief “ I am not as important as…” will never let you take care of yourself.

#3 Trust Your Process And Do This!

It is time to lean in deep and build (or rebuild) your intuitive process. Living intuitively means trusting the process not just the outcome. The time to build(outward energy) is always followed by a time of going inward and recharging. We are out of flow when we try to force constant outward energy. Then we look outside ourselves for a source of energy to keep going and create pain when we just cant keep up.

Do you ever notice that you are frequently looking for stimulation? We push our emotions down in our exhaustion and we look for something (enter caffeine, sugar etc) to stimulate us when what we really need is to calm our systems.

Guess what, all the emotions you have about “I dont matter” or “ Im not good enough” are contributing to being stuck. This big ugly block has an emotional string attached to it. And it’s pulling you down.

These emotions want to be seen, heard and valued. And you must practice listening and trusting. Trust that what ever comes up is important. This may be easy for some and for some others it may take some practice learning to listen. But Stay with it!

  • Begin by finding a space to take 15 minutes with no interruptions

  • Close your eyes and breath in deep and slow. Allow all of the muscles in your body to release and grow heavy and slack.

  • Bring to mind what is going on for you right now- lack of motivation, blocked, hiding, lacking creativity etc.

  • Say to your body “ show me where these emotions are in my body” Take a moment to wait until you feel the sensation build. For example you may feel it in your throat, chest, belly, hands etc.

  • Next, say to this area or block “ I see you, I feel you, I hear you and I will not ignore you.”

  • You can give it a color or shape

  • Now ask it, “what do you need from me?” Wait for it.

  • Then ask “what else do you need from me?” Wait for it.

  • Ask is there anything else I need to acknowledge or know to release this?

  • Last, when you have received all the messages you need, take a deep breath in and visualize this shape/ sensation/emotion dissolving into tiny particles that disperse into light as you breath in and out.

  • Finish with a few affirmations. Because they are awesome.

    Such as:

    • I release all old programing that keeps me stuck

    • I am whole

    • I am infinite potential

    • I matter immensely

    • I trust all is unfolding toward good

    • And I am right on time

    • I am open


Surrendering To The Teachings Of A Virus


Is This Belief Keeping YOU Constantly Busy?